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Lake Linden-Hubbell Elementary Music

We are the Movers and Shakers in the Lake Linden-Hubbell Music Room!


Welcome to the Lake Linden-Hubbell Music Room website!
Many creative, musical, and magical things happen in our elementary music room. 
Come along with us and take a journey through the sights and sounds of our special space.

Why do we learn Music?

Not because you are expected to major in music.
Not because you are expected to play or sing all your life.
Not so you can relax.
Not so you can have fun.

Music is a Science

 It is exact, specific; and it demands exact acoustics.  a conductor's full score is a chart, a graph which indicates frequencies, intensities, volume changes, melody and harmony all at once and with the most exact control of time.

Music is Mathematical

 It is rhythmically based on the subdivisions of time into fractions which must be done instantaneously, not worked out on paper.

Music is Physical Education

 It requires fantastic coordination of fingers, hands, arms, lip, cheek, and facial muscles, in addition to extraordinary control of the diaphragm, back stomach, and chest muscles, which respond instantly to the sound the ear hears and the mind interprets.

Music is a Foreign Language

Most of the terms are in Italian, German, or French; and the notation is certainly not English- but a highly developed kind of shorthand that uses symbols to represent ideas.  The semantics of music is the most complete and universal language.

Music is a History

 Music usually reflects the environment and times of its creation, often even the country and/ or racial feeling.

So, why music?

so you will be human
so you will recognize beauty
so you will be sensitive
so you will be closer to an infinite beyond this world
so you will have something to cling to
so you will be able to sing lullabies to your babies
so you will have more love, more compassion, more gentleness, more good- in short, more life

Music Education Philosophy - We Are The Movers and Shakers   in  the  Lake Linden-Hubbell


Orff-Schulwerk is "Music for Children", a way to teach and learn music.  It is based on things children like to do; sing, chant, clap, and keep a beat on anything near at hand.  These instincts are directed into learning music by hearing and making music first, then reading and writing it later.  This is the same way we all learned our language.


Orff-Schulwerk is "schoolwork", designed for all children, not just the privileged, talented, or selected few.  There is a place for every child, and each contributes according to ability.  Orff-Schulwerk happens in a non-competitive atmosphere where one of the rewards is the pleasure of making good music with others.  When the children want to write down what they have composed, reading and writing music find their moment.


Orff-Schulwerk uses poems, rhymes, games, songs, and dances as examples and basic materials.  These may be traditional or original.  spoken or sung, they may be accompanied by clapping and stamping or by drums, sticks, and bells.  The special Orff melody instruments include xylophones and glockenspiels, all high-quality barred instruments that offer good musical sound immediately.  Played in an ensemble like a small orchestra, their use helps children become sensitive listeners and considerate participants. 


Orff-Schulwerk is a unique music-learning approach.  Movement, speech, song, and instrumental playing are integrated to teach the elements of music.  Small percussion and melody instruments that all can play are used in the ensemble.  Improvisation is encouraged to develop creative thinking.  Orff-Schulwerk training introduces students of any age to a lifetime of pleasure in music, whether as participants or informed listeners.


American Orff-Schulwerk Association


Music Education Philosophy - We Are The Movers and Shakers   in  the  Lake Linden-Hubbell
Rules and Expectations - We Are The Movers and Shakers   in  the  Lake Linden-Hubbell Musi


All of the rules for the Lake Linden-Hubbell Schools also apply in the elementary music room.  (Please refer to the student handbook)

The activities that are practiced in the music room are: listening, moving, speaking/singing, and instrument playing.  Each student is expected to do his/her best when practicing any activity.  Failure to do so will result in a visual or verbal reminder, being taken out of the activity, or being taken out of the music room for that activity.

Grading is based mostly on active listening and participation in music classes.  Preparation for and performance at the Christmas Concert is taken into consideration for the 1st semester music grade.  There will also be a test given on content learned by selected classes at the end of the year.  The grade for this will contribute to the selected students' overall music grade for the 2nd semester.

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